Organising Your Home in the School Holidays with Your Kids: A Family Affair

Organising Your Home in the School Holidays with Your Kids: A Family Affair

The school holidays present a perfect opportunity to tackle home organisation projects—a task that’s not just for adults but can involve the whole family. Engaging your kids in organising the home teaches them valuable life skills, fosters responsibility, and can even be fun! Here’s how to turn what might seem like a daunting task into an enjoyable and educational family activity.

Set a Clear Goal and Expectations

Start with a family meeting to discuss what you hope to achieve. Whether it’s decluttering the living room, organising bedrooms, or sorting through toys, setting a clear goal helps everyone understand the purpose behind the activity. Explain the benefits of the project in terms they can understand, such as having more space to play or making it easier to find their favourite toys.

Break It Down

Large tasks can seem overwhelming, especially to kids. Break down the project into smaller, manageable tasks. For instance, instead of organising the whole bedroom at once, you could focus on one area at a time, like the closet, bookshelf, or toy box. Assign age-appropriate tasks to each child to keep them engaged without feeling overwhelmed.

Keep Sessions Short

Attention spans vary by age, but younger children especially benefit from short organising bursts. Keeping sessions to 5-30 minutes not only helps maintain their interest but also prevents them from becoming overwhelmed or tired. This approach allows for more frequent breaks and opportunities to celebrate small wins, keeping motivation high.

Make It Fun

Turn organisation into a game. Who can sort their items the fastest? Can you play a guessing game about what’s in each box? Playing their favourite music or making it into a dance party can also turn chores into a fun activity. The key is to associate positive feelings with the task of organising.

Reward Progress

Acknowledge and celebrate milestones, no matter how small. Finished sorting through the books? Have a little dance party or take a snack break. Rewards don’t always have to be material; they can be about spending quality time together, like watching a movie or going to the park. This reinforces positive behaviour and keeps motivation high.

Respect Their Decisions and Give Them a Voice

Allow your children to make decisions about what to keep, donate, or throw away. This teaches them to evaluate their possessions and make choices. Respect their decisions even if you disagree; it’s important that they feel their opinions are valued. This can also be an opportunity to discuss the value of giving to others who are less fortunate.

Create Systems That Work for Them

Involve your kids in creating organisation systems. This could mean deciding where things should go or choosing storage solutions. When kids are involved in the decision-making process, they’re more likely to maintain the system. Simple, kid-friendly solutions work best, like clear bins for toys or labels with pictures for younger children who can’t yet read (they also work well for older kids and adults too).

Lead by Example

Kids learn by example, so let them see you organising and decluttering your own spaces. Share your thought process with them. When they see you making decisions about what to keep and where to put things, they’re learning these skills by observation.


Organising your home during the school holidays with your kids can do more than just clear clutter—it’s a chance to work together, learn important skills, and have a good time while doing it. Keeping tasks short and fun, and listening to what everyone thinks, turns a big job into something manageable. This way, you get a cleaner home and teach your kids valuable lessons about working together and taking responsibility. So, this school holiday, dive into organising as a family project and enjoy the benefits of a tidier space and happy teamwork.

Happy Organising my friend!

Signature panel reading "Sally" in cursive script

As always, if you are struggling with your home, feeling overwhelmed or just need some organising advice, I am here to help. All you need to do is reach out.

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