Letting Go of Guilt: How to Declutter Unwanted Gifts from Loved Ones

Letting Go of Guilt: How to Declutter Unwanted Gifts from Loved Ones

As a professional organiser, I have seen it all. The piles of clothes that never get worn, the overflowing kitchen cupboards, and of course, the countless unwanted gifts from loved ones.

I have lost count of the times I have heard clients say “Oh, I have to keep that, it was a gift.” It is such a knee-jerk reaction that they don’t even stop to check in with themselves to see whether they actually want the item or not.

I know it is tough to let go of things, especially when they come from people that we care about. The feelings of guilt that can surface, when letting go of unwanted gifts can be uncomfortable. You might even fear that you are somehow offending or damaging your relationship with the gift giver by letting items go of these items.

But holding onto things just because they were given to you, does more harm than good. These items clutter your home, increase your stress levels, and can even foster resentment (which is not good for any relationship).

So let’s talk about how to say goodbye to unwanted gifts without the emotional guilt trip.

It's OKAY to Let Go!

First and foremost, remember that it is okay to let go of things. Decluttering is about creating a home and a life that supports you and your family. We often hold onto stuff way longer than we should out of a sense of obligation, fear and guilt. But the truth is, if something isn’t serving you, or doesn’t fit your lifestyle, then it is okay to let it go (no matter who gave it to you). 

Give yourself permission to prioritize your own needs and wants.

Remember the Purpose of the Gift

The intention was not to burden you with something that you don’t want or need. By focusing on the purpose of the gift, it is easier to let go of the guilt and appreciate the lovely gesture as it was intended. The intention was not to burden you with something that you don’t want or need. By focusing on the purpose of the gift, it is easier to let go of the guilt and appreciate the lovely gesture as it was intended.

Consider the Cost

When decluttering, it is important to consider what it costs you to keep unwanted gifts in your home. Holding onto things that don’t add value to your life costs your time and energy, pulling your attention away from what truly matters. They also take up physical space in your home, literally weighing you down.

By letting go of unnecessary items, you intentionally create breathing room for the things that will support the life you are trying to create.

Reframe your thoughts

Lastly, decluttering unwanted gifts is not about rejecting the love and support of your loved ones. You aren’t throwing away your relationship with that person, you are simply letting a physical item go.

So rather than concentrating on the item, be grateful for the person who gave it to you and their desire to have you in their lives.

If all else fails imagine you were talking to your best friend. Would you tell her to keep something she didn’t need, want or use in her home? An item that was keeping her stuck, overwhelmed and stressed out? I don’t think so. Be your own best friend and go ahead and let go of those unwanted gifts. Your home (and your mind) will they you for it! 

I hope these tips have helped you feel more confident and empowered to let go of any gifts that are not serving you. If you need further assistance in decluttering and organising your home, feel free to reach out to me. 

I’m always here to support you. 

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