5 Ways to Stay on Track When Organising Your Home

5 Ways to Stay on Track When Organising Your Home

Have you started to organise a space in your home only to get distracted, fallen down a rabbit hole of other jobs and two hours later emerge to discover you’re in even more of a mess than you started?!

You aren’t alone. With the chaos of everyday life, it is easy to get overwhelmed and lose focus. So here are some tried and tested tricks I have picked up along the way (as a Professional Home Organiser and a mum) to help you stay on track and make progress towards your home organisation goals. 

1. Use a timer to create a sense of urgency

I am sure you have heard this one before but setting a timer can be a game-changer when it comes to staying on task. Choose a specific amount of time, such as 15 minutes or 30 minutes, and challenge yourself to work on a particular organising task during that time frame. 

The ticking of the timer creates a sense of urgency, making you more focused and productive. Plus, it’s a fun way to see how much you can accomplish in a set amount of time! 

2. Wear a visual reminder

This is an amazing tip I learnt from Cassandra Aarssen (of Clutterbug): to wear a physical reminder e.g. gloves or an apron. 

It may feel like a simple step and maybe even a little strange to put on dishwashing gloves or apron to organise your home but that is the whole point. Wearing a physical reminder can help to prompt your brain to re-focus on the original task. “Why am I wearing this again? Oh, that’s right I was organising my wardrobe!” 

As an added bonus physical reminders like these will protect your clothes and hands whilst you declutter and organise. It is a win-win situation!

3. Pair tasks with an enjoyable activity

The best way to boost the mood of your organising projects is to pair the activity with something you enjoy. For example, listen to a podcast, audiobook or your favourite music whilst decluttering and organising. This can help to make tasks more enjoyable and keep you engaged and focused for longer. Especially if you are listening to a really engaging audiobook 😉

4. Reward and motivate yourself

Rewards are not just for kids – they can work for adults too! Plan rewards for yourself after completing specific organising tasks or achieving goals. It could be something you enjoy, such as your favourite snack, taking a coffee break, calling a friend, indulging in a hobby or even taking yourself out to the movies. Knowing that a reward awaits you can give you that extra push to stay focused and motivated to complete your tasks. 

5. Get an accountability partner for support

Sometimes we just need a little support. Having an accountability partner can make all the difference when it comes to staying on task. Find a trusted friend, family member or even a Professional Home Organiser like me, who can hold you accountable for your progress. 

Share your goals with them, and schedule regular check-ins to review your progress. Having someone to share your successes and challenges with can provide motivation, support and encouragement to keep going. 

Putting it into action!

Now that you have these tips in your toolbox, it’s time to put them into action! Remember, staying organised is a process; it takes time and effort to see results. But with these tricks, you can stay on task, stay focused, and achieve your home organisation goals. And if you need extra help, don’t hesitate to reach out! With a little support and guidance, you can create a beautiful, functional, and stress-free home. 

Happy Organising!

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